Richard Pollock

Top 10 Reasons to Strive For A Great Set
of Abs–Starting Today

  1. Abs attract the opposite sex! In one survey, 32 percent of women said that abs are the muscles most likely to make them melt. (The next closest was biceps at 17 percent!)
  2. Abs ward off illness! Study after study shows that the people with the largest waist sizes have the highest risk of life-threatening disease.
  3. Abs help you sleep! Upper-body obesity is the most significant risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that makes you snore, inhibits good sleep, and puts you at risk for heart disease.
  4. Abs improve your sex life! Studies show that a strong stomach with less belly fat gives you increased stamina, better erections, and increased appearance of length!
  5. Abs keep you strong! A United States Army study showed that more than any other muscle group, a strong midsection affects the functioning of the entire body.
  6. Abs instill confidence! A lean and muscular body makes you feel good about the way you look–and makes others feel good about you, too.
  7. Abs beat back pain! Millions of Americans suffer back pain each year, but studies show that even small improvements in abdominal strength can eradicate back pain for good!
  8. Abs prevent other aches and pains! A strong stomach absorbs stress and strain from physical activity, saving your joints and keeping you injury-free.
  9. Abs keep you young! The Power foods have been shown to slow the aging process–and keep you in your prime for life!
  10. Abs help you win! If you play golf, basketball, or any sport that requires movement, the core muscles in your torso and hips will give you the speed, power, and stamina to conquer any foe!